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How To Manage A Long-Distance Relationship

Thanks to technology it’s easier than ever to have a long-distance relationship.

We can text, facetime, and send each other memes from anywhere, at any time. 

No matter how happy you are together, and how easy it is to check in or talk with each other, a long-distance relationship can still sometimes be a lot of work. 

But of course, there are thousands and thousands of couples in happy long-distance relationships, some on other sides of the world from each other. 

Below are a few ways to make being in a long-distance relationship easier for you.

How To Make A Long-Distance Relationship Work:

Schedule Time For Each Other

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, the single most crucial thing you can do is to make time for each other. 

We all have busy lives, and we can sometimes forget to have a proper conversation with our partners when they’re not physically present in our lives. 

Make sure you understand each other’s schedules, priorities, and time zones if you’re that far apart. 

It’s easier to stay in touch if you start a pattern of communication, and after a while you’ll have built a consistent rhythm. You’ll probably find yourself sticking to it without thinking, but keep it mind it can change if it needs to.

Depending on your needs, this conversation might be every day, every few days, or just once a week. If you have different needs, you might have to compromise. 

These conversations don’t have to be hours long, they can just be quick updates about how your day has gone. 

Devoting time just for each other reaffirms your connection, and gives you both a chance to talk about how you’re handling the distance if you need it.

One person might be finding it harder than the other, needing some additional ressaurance. Having this time set aside to talk gives them the opportunity to talk about how they’re finding things. 

Let Them Know How Important They Are To You

When you’re talking, don’t forget to let your partner know that they’re special. 

It’s fine to talk about how work was, or what your weekend plans are, this helps you understand the minutiae and context of each other’s lives. 

But you also need to make sure you’re also telling them that you’re happy with the relationship, and with them.

You don’t necessarily have to tell them with words.

If you know your partner’s love language, you can ease the distance by making sure they feel loved even when you’re not there. This helps build intimacy between you, even when you’re not actually together.

Healthy relationships rely on both people feeling valued and understood, so it’s important to really communicate with each other, not just talk at each other while going through the motions of pretending to listen. 

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On The Times When You Are Together

When you do get some time together, don’t stress about making that time ‘perfect’. 

This puts pressure on you, and something small going wrong like a late train or a bad table at a restaurant can suddenly seem like the end of the world.

Whatever time you get to spend together should be enjoyed.

Of course, all couples are different, and will use different strategies to make things work. 

Find ways that work for you, things that make each of you feel connected. 

Learn more how to have a healthy relationship.

Read about the different stages of relationships.

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