How To Manage Your Matches On Dating Apps

Dating apps are a fantastic way to meet lots of people near you. Whether you’re looking for a relationship, people to date, or just to have interesting conversations, you can find whatever it is you’re looking for. 

Over time you’ll match with dozens or maybe even hundreds of people, ending up with a large amount of profiles and people to interact with. This can be a challenge to manage, especially if you’re interested in all of the opportunities those people could bring.

The first thing you need to do is to message everyone you’ve matched with. Once you’ve got some conversations started, you’ll be in a better position to assess where you’re at and what you want. 

As you continue to use the app, you’ll start accumulating more matches, and managing them might begin to take up more of your time than you’re prepared to give. Here’s how you can get the most out of your dating app experience. 

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Dating App Matches:

Figure Out Who Is Looking For The Same Thing As You

One of the first things you should do is find out what the people you’ve matched with are looking for. If you know you want a serious relationship, be honest about it upfront. 

Chances are some people won’t be looking for the same thing you are, but just knowing who is and who isn't will help you manage your time better. 

Others will, and will be happy to find someone on the same page. These are the people you should focus your time on.

From here, you can start to find out how much you actually have in common.

Speak To Your Matches And See Who You Have Chemistry With

The next step is to start talking to these people, and finding out who is the most interesting and exciting to you! This can be one of the most fun parts of dating, and you get to enjoy it over and over again with each new match.

Chemistry means something different for everyone, and you may find yourself speaking in very different ways as you connect with more people. Find what feels right for you, and remember that really what’s only important is that you feel comfortable, interested, and engaged with who they are and what they’re saying. 

But you can’t truly know for sure if the two of you have chemistry or not until you meet up. 

Once You Find Someone You’re Really Interested In, Meet Them

One of the easiest ways to manage your matches is by going on dates IRL once you’re comfortable with them.

Knowing what they sound like, how they talk to you, and what they look like in real life as opposed to a selfie they took ten minutes to get will help you know if there’s a spark.

If there’s chemistry, you’ll know. It’s immediate, it’s exciting, and you’ll have no doubt that you want to see them again. If there’s not, keep looking. 

Dating should be fun, and knowing which matches you’re most interested in will help you stay focused and moving towards what you want.

Read more of our tips for online dating, or learn how to get a second date.