Trend Dating
Is This Dating In 2021 Or An Episode Of Bridgerton?

Like the rest of the world, we’ve found ourselves completely and utterly obsessed with Netflix’s Bridgerton. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, let us explain the premise: a saucy period drama, Bridgerton documents the shenanigans that take place in London’s high society. Set in 1813, the series kicks off at the beginning of the ‘social season’ – which is basically a marriage market. Young women of an eligible age make their debut in front of the Queen, before attending a series of balls and events to (hopefully) secure a proposal. It’s a TV show filled with sex, snobbery, and a LOT of scandal – thanks to the mysterious Lady Whistledown and her gossip column. While watching the drama unfold between potential lovers, we couldn’t help but notice...despite Bridgerton being set more than two centuries ago, there are some real similarities with the dating world we’re experiencing in 2021. Read on to hear our thoughts on the Bridgerton/Pandemic dating crossover.

Finding your match is a marathon, not a sprint

In Bridgerton, eligible singles take ages to meet a partner. The many ballroom dances they attend are basically the Regency-era version of a school disco: everyone stands against the wall until someone wants to dance with them. Much like the way we scroll through profiles until we get that all-important match. Once they select a prospective partner, they engage in a LOT of dialogue before anything even gets off the ground. Sound familiar?

Dating involves many brisk walks outdoors

The Bridgerton debutantes aren’t allowed to be in close proximity with their suitors unsupervised (imagine the scandal that would cause). They are, however, permitted to ‘promenade’ with their dates in outdoor settings – very similar vibes to embarking on our government-permitted park dates.

You regularly inquire about the health of each other’s household

Inquiring about your love interest’s health, and the health of their extended family, is common courtesy in Bridgerton. Thanks to the pandemic, we’re doing exactly the same. “Are your household in good health?” may not be the sexiest chat-up line, but it’s the polite question to ask.

There are strict rules and you aren't permitted to touch

A Bridgerton debutante must not have ‘light-skirts,’ lest she risk bringing dishonour on her family name, and Daphne and Simon’s reputations were almost ruined when they were caught kissing in the walled garden. Having sex IRL with someone who’s not in our bubble is also off the table for now, and we’re just as scandalised by people not adhering to the rules as the Lords and Ladies in Regency-era London. Maintain a two-metre distance at all times, please.

Eye contact and body language is very important

Now that our dating lives have changed, we’ve discovered the importance of flirting with our eyes – something which the debutantes and suitors of Bridgerton do very well indeed. We may not be sending pointed glances across a ballroom or fluttering our eyelashes behind a fan, but eye contact can definitely make sparks fly when we’re wearing a mask or on a video date.

You inform your friends of romantic developments through written correspondence

We may have upgraded the quill, ink, and parchment to a WhatsApp group message, but we’re still excitedly spilling the tea to our besties (especially if our match makes us feel like a diamond of the first water). Let’s be honest – we don’t have much else going on in our day to day lives, so when someone’s got dating gossip, it’s the talk of the town.

This period of dating is weird, but it’s comforting to draw parallels with our new favourite on-screen couples. Hopefully, our love lives will be as exciting as theirs when the ‘season’ finally begins again. In the meantime, let’s hope we match with our very own Daphne or Simon on Badoo – or at the very least, enjoy some juicy gossip along the way.

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