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How To Have A Date Over Video Chat

Now that we can’t meet our dating app matches out in the world, more and more people are using video chat to talk, learn more about each other, and make a deeper connection with their matches.

Video chat is great because it lets you see more of someone than you usually would through text, i.e. you can tell if they’re a bit weird, or catfishing you, or if they have a really nice house. 

You can also hear what their voice sounds like, see how they move, how they smile, and whether there’s any chemistry between the two of you, if you’re interested in things like that.

But how do you have a video date?

How To Have A Video Date:

Suggest Moving From Texting To Video

Normally matches use text for the majority of their conversations, at least at the beginning, so you might have to suggest the idea of a video chat to your match. 

Video can actually take a lot of the effort and anxiety out of messaging someone, at the end of the day you’re just two people talking. It makes us all seem more human, and we could all do with a little human connection right now. 

Set a time for it that works for both of you, and then if you feel up for, move things onto video.

Tidy Up

While you are of course going to be the star of the video, you should probably tidy up a bit before the date.

You want them to be looking at you, not the pile of clothes you have on the floor or the tower of pizza boxes you’ve been meaning to recycle for a week. 

Studies have shown people are more likely to find each other attractive when there are nice surroundings when they first meet. 

Environmental factors like this can play a surprisingly large role in whether we end up liking someone or not - if you’ve ever had a first date in a really loud restaurant or at a messy place, it may have made a difference in how much you enjoyed yourself. 

Tidying your room and making sure there’s nice lighting can give your video date the right vibe.

Wear Something You Feel Confident In

Treat a video date like you would any other, and that starts by wearing something that makes you feel good about yourself.

That can be anything, a comfy jumper, a lucky t-shirt, whatever makes you feel confident.

While you probably don’t need to dress up as much as you would for a date at a fancy bar or restaurant, making an effort will set you up for the date psychologically. 

The date will feel important, because it was worth making an effort for. You might find it comforting to follow familiar rituals you have for going on dates out in the world, and getting dressed up is part of that. 

It will also show your date that you’re interested and invested in them, rather than just showing up in whatever you’ve been wearing for the last two days.

Charge Your Phone!

We’re all spending even more time on our phones now.

You might have been on instagram all day, watching netflix, bidding for toilet paper on eBay, and then when it’s time to finally meet your date - your battery dies! 

Being late for something that doesn’t even require you to leave your house does not give a good first impression. 

Maybe worse than that, you don’t want an amazing conversation cut off suddenly because your phone died. 

 If you’ve set up a time for a video date, remember to charge your phone.

Have Some Stuff Ready To Talk About

Once we get started, most of us can talk for hours. But as soon as you’re on that video call, staring into your phone at how cute your date is, your mind might go blank. 

Honestly, this happens to everyone - don’t freak out if this happens to you.

If you feel like you might need some help, maybe reread their profile to see if there are things you know the two of you can talk about. 

If you have shared interests, talk about them. If you don’t know if you have anything in common, ask!

If the topic of the virus comes up, it comes up. You don’t have to hide from it or pretend like everything is fine. 

It might help you to talk about how you’re feeling, and the two of you can bond by sharing what’s going on in your lives. 

End The Video Call When It Feels Right

We’ve all had dates where we’ve talked for hours, learning everything about each other. 

Not every date has to go like this. You might have other things to do, and that’s okay. 

Your video call can go on for as long as you want it to, but don’t feel like it has to last hours and hours. 

Video dates can add another dimension that texting can’t. Knowing how they sound when they laugh, seeing how they look at you, these are the important things that can set the tone for dates in the future. 

We’re all still adjusting to how things have changed. But we can still make connections, enjoy each other’s company, and maybe find someone special to spend time with. 

Will you be having a date over video chat?

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