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5 Dates You Can Have While Staying Socially Distant

Listen, we know it feels like it’s been years since we could go on real dates with real people in real life.

Our fancy outfits are gathering dust, our dancing shoes seem like they’re never going to dance again, and it’s been two months since any of us wore anything other than sweatpants.

But now, finally, we can start to meet up with people outside! That means we can go on dates again! (As long as we stay 2 metres apart, obviously.)

Now’s the time to dress up, get excited, and get those sparks flying!

If you’ve been having video dates with a new crush, you can now go and see them, and find out what your chemistry is like with no screens between you. 

After weeks of texting and video dating, it can be really nice to just talk to each other in person, without any distractions. 

Here are some ideas for dates you can have IRL, while still staying safe and socially distant. 

5 Dates You Can Have While Staying Socially Distant

Go For A Walk

Going for a walk is one of the simplest and safest distant dates you can have.

It’s low pressure, and most importantly, it gets you out of the house. At this point, most of us are looking for any excuse to get outside, so why not have a walk with your new crush?

Even if you’ve done the same walk every day for the past two months, getting out there with someone exciting can make the whole experience feel brand new.

Plus it’s good for you, and gives you a chance to explore somewhere new, or show off what you love about where you live. 

Have A Picnic

A picnic in the park is a classic date for a reason. 

It’s romantic but not over the top, you can show off your culinary skills or just buy something from Tesco, and you don’t have to commit to spending hours together if you’re not feeling it - but if you are, you can. 

If you don’t feel like cooking, you could just get a takeaway.

While similar to the picnic in many aspects, the takeaway offers a degree of insight into the psyche of your date that other foods do not. 

What kind of takeaway is their go-to choice? Pizza? If so, what kind? Cheap? Traditional? Sourdough? Vegan? 

Do they share? Or is it a deal breaker if they try to take some of your chips?

These are important questions.

And since it’s starting to get warmer, having a romantic afternoon in the park can quickly turn into a romantic night - so maybe get some drinks as well. 

Most of us used to rely on the good old fashioned pub for our dates. We can still meet up for drinks, we just have to be a little creative with the venue. 

If you can both get to a green space, you can bring a bottle of wine or some humble cans and get to know each other without having to worry about family or housemates disrupting your video call. 

If you’re feeling bold, you could suggest a tasting session, buying a bunch of drinks neither of you have tried before. 

Do Something Creative Together

Dates don’t have to just be the two of you talking, you can have fun with something creative at the same time.

If you’re in a green space, you could sketch or paint the landscape. If not, you could sketch or paint each other. If you’re not a great artist it can still be fun to try something creative, and laugh at your attempts at art. 

If you’re more of a photographer, have a competition to see who can take the best photo.

Go Wild Swimming

Wild swimming is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: find a lake and jump in. 

Obviously, make sure it’s safe first - while being saved from peril by your date would be very romantic, but it’s probably best to be on the safe side. 

It’ll be a memorable experience, and a chance for you to show off how you look in your swimming costume. 

Go To The Zoo

The zoos are opening next week, so if none of this other stuff sounds fun you can at least go and see some cute animals. 

Find out what their favourite animal is, and feel smug about your obviously superior choice of favourite animal. 

While things may not be back to normal for a while, going on a date can make a huge difference in how we’re feeling, and might be the start of something special. 

If you’re looking for more dating inspiration, read more date ideas for couples during quarantine, or read our 20 steps for the perfect virtual date.

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