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How To Handle Being On Your Own During Isolation

Our day to day life has changed, and while no one knows exactly what’s going to happen, being in isolation due to the corona virus doesn’t mean we have to be completely isolated from each other. 

There are plenty of ways we can stay connected.

Life doesn’t have to stop because we have to stay home! During isolation, interaction is going to be more important than ever. 

We can still be there for each other, support each other, and make each other laugh. We’re all going through the same struggles, so reaching out and talking about it can only make things better. 

There are ways to handle loneliness, maintain our connections, and make the best of a bad situation. 

Ways To Stay Connected During Isolation:

Meet People Like You

If you want to find someone new to talk to, there are millions of people on dating apps looking to make a connection.

Sometimes it’s nice to just be able to start a conversation with someone new. You can connect through shared interests, learn something new, and bond over going through similar situations.

Knowing that other people are going through the same thing, and that they’re also trying to make the best of it can help us not feel as alone. 

You can find people nearby who will be on the same street as you, or you can video chat to see how other people are spending their time. 

Just hearing other people’s voices can help us stay positive.

Plus, if you’ve built up a strong relationship while isolating, once we’re all out of quarantine and things return to normal, you’ve already got a strong foundation to build from with this new person in your life.

Just because you’re on your own doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. 

Reach Out To Friends And Family

While we may not be able to go out and physically visit our loved ones, thanks to video chats and phone calls, we can still be present in each other’s lives. 

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it’s ok to be honest about that. 

Talk to the people in your life. Let them know how you’re really doing. Be there for them so they can do the same. 

This gives you the space to talk about your feelings, rather than just sitting with them on your own. 

Of course, not every conversation has to be about the virus. In fact, every day we should try to have at least one light and breezy conversation that has nothing to do with isolations or lockdowns.

We can still talk about how our day was, what our plans are, or even what’s happening on the new TV show we’re watching. 

Because honestly: we’re all going to be watching a lot more TV.

Have A Netflix Party

People in long-distance relationships will know about this already, but a good way to stay in touch and relax at the same time is to have a Netflix party. 

Chrome has an extension called Netflix party, which allows you and someone else to watch the same show or movie, and talk about it, in real time.

Starting a new series can give you something else to focus on - being able to decompress and ignore the news for a little while can really help if you’re struggling with anxiety. 

Having a show you only watch with a specific person makes that show special, whether it’s a friend, family member, or someone you’re seeing. Thanks to this, you don’t have to lose that connection.

Start A New Hobby

With thousands of tutorials and introduction videos on Youtube, and all of us having more time on our hands than we’re used to, now’s the perfect time to start the hobby you’ve always wanted to try. 

If you bought a guitar and never played it, or got a sketchpad but never drawn anything, why don’t you start practicing over the next few weeks?

If that’s not your thing, there are so many games you can start to learn and play, whether that’s on your own or with other people. This can be anything from chess to Fortnite: finding something new you enjoy and can progress at will help you feel like you’re doing something.

Almost every hobby you can think of will have an active community talking about it online, so you can find people with similar interests quickly. 

Reach out when you need to, call your family, and remember that everyone is going through the same thing. 

Sometimes just talking to someone is enough to make things better. 

If we’re there for each other, we can help each other through this.

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