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Dating Myths That Are Surprisingly False

Today, thanks to the internet and dating apps, people looking to date have more power, freedom, and choice than they have ever had before. 

However, also thanks to the internet, there are now more myths surrounding dating. We look at some of the most common dating myths, and reveal why they’re actually not true. 

Online Dating Myths:

Online Dating Profiles Are Full Of Lies

Internet dating has been around for a long time. When dating profiles were first introduced, people weren’t sure how to fill them in, what people wanted to see on dating profiles, or whether they should alter the truth to try to make themselves as attractive as possible. 

Times have changed. Almost all of us will try online dating at some point in our lives, and many of us are already signed up to multiple dating apps.

Online dating is now so common that lying on our profiles is almost entirely pointless. Lying about our age or our height or our job will quickly be discovered when we actually meet, so the vast majority of people realise it’s better to just be honest. 

Studies have also shown that honesty is one of the most attractive qualities someone can possess, and online daters know that lying on their profile will ultimately harm their chances at finding a relationship. 

Online Dating Isn’t Safe

Despite online dating having been around for over twenty years, it still has the perception of being unsafe. 

But, if online daters use all of the safety functions and resources at their disposal, they can actually be safer than ever before. 

Having access to a user’s profile means accountability, it means you can report them for any inappropriate conduct, and it means you can show their profile to your friends or family before you go on a date. 

There’s So Much Choice That People Don’t Want To Commit To Someone

Online dating opens up almost limitless potential for romance, being able to connect you with people in your local area or anywhere in your country. 

Because dating apps present us with hundreds of profiles for us to match with and speak to, it’s common to assume that no one is willing to commit to a relationship anymore. There’s just too many people we could speak to, meet, or date. 

For some people, this might be true: online dating can provide endless experiences and encounters. However if you’re looking for a relationship, you’re really only interested in people who are looking for the same thing.

The vast majority of dating app users who are looking to start a relationship have it stated in their profile, or will mention it early on in the conversation, as they want to make sure their match is not going to waste their time.

If you’re ever unsure what a match is looking for, you can just ask them! Being completely honest on dating apps means you know exactly where you stand, and what your match is interested in. This is the fastest, easiest way to know if you’re compatible or not, and it’s something you can do almost immediately with everyone you match with. 

Yes, there is a lot of choice when it comes to dating now. But when you meet someone you really like, all that choice becomes irrelevant. Until then, you’re free to go out there, meet people you might never have met otherwise, and have some potentially incredible experiences.

But when you do find that special someone, you can rest assured that they’re just as invested as you are. 

Dating apps don’t define how we date - they make it easier for us to define that for ourselves. If you take the time to think about what you really want, no matter how specific or niche, you can find that now. 

If you’re a young professional looking for a good time because you don’t have space for something serious right now, there are plenty of people in the same boat. If you’re interested in LGBT+ dating, there are like-minded people at your fingertips looking for someone just like you. If you’re interested in settling down and starting a family, there are thousands of other people who want that too. 

And best of all, if you’re not sure what you want yet, you can just get out there, go with the flow and see what happens. Some of the best relationships start that way.

Learn how to get more matches on dating apps, or learn how to go from a match to a date

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