Dating Tips
The Ultimate Guide to LGBT Dating

Online dating is more popular than ever. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ people, with nearly 70% of couples meeting through some kind of online platform or app. Online communities and dating apps can be hugely helpful for LGBT people, whether they’re questioning, closeted, or fully out. 

Convenient, efficient, and in some cases anonymous, they’re the perfect place for people to chat without all the pressure of meeting in real life. 

In the early days, most platforms would only offer options for straight people, but as attitudes have begun to evolve, so has the world of online dating. 

The use of dating apps or websites is especially useful for people who are not yet sure about their sexuality, or have personal circumstances that make it difficult to be open about it. 

Here are some top tips for finding someone, dating, and having a healthy happy relationship.

Dating Advice For LGBT People:

Use A Dating App For Maximum Transparency 

You need to be clear about what you want, and what you’re open to. 

One of the benefits of online dating is that it’s impossible to get the wrong idea about someone’s sexuality. 

Users can clearly indicate what they are looking for, so you’ll never again have to work up the nerve to talk to someone, only to find out their sexual preference is not what you were expecting. 

When dating, you should always be honest about what you want, this includes being upfront about who you are, and the kind of person you’re looking for.

Meet New People To Maximise Your Chances

Most cities have a good selection of LGBT friendly bars, while others have entire areas of the city which are both safe and welcoming to everyone. Bars, clubs, and other venues provide much-needed places for people to meet, and can act as hubs for different communities. 

After a while though, you will probably have met the majority of people in your local scene. Dating may prove a struggle when everyone knows everyone, and it can be difficult to meet people outside of these safe spaces. Or you may just want to keep your friendship circle and your romantic options separate. 

Dating apps provide a great way to meet lots of new people, who might be outside your local area. 

Perhaps you are just exploring your first feelings of LGBT curiosity, and don’t have the confidence yet to explore your town or city. Online dating is the perfect way to meet new people in a way that doesn’t compromise your comfort levels. 

Advice For When You’re Dating:

Clearly Define What Your Relationship Is

While not everyone likes labels, they are incredibly helpful when outlining exactly where you stand, and what you are to each other. 

Both people should understand whether or not you’re exclusive, whether it’s a full relationship or if you’re still just dating, and both people should be happy and comfortable with whatever is decided. 

Over time things may change, so it’s good to come back and revisit this after a year or so. 

Spend Time Apart

When you first start dating someone, it can be tempting to spend as much time together as possible. If things are going really well, it’s easy to get carried away and move too fast, seeing each other every few days, spending the whole weekend with each other, or even virtually moving in together.

This can be fatal to relationships further down the line. 

People feel romantic attachment in different ways, at different times, at different intensities. It’s normal for one person to maybe want to slow things down, to need more space, or to just be by themselves every once in a while, even when they’re really happy with the relationship.

Asking for time apart can be difficult when you’ve already spent your first month together hanging out as much as you possibly could. 

Telling someone who loves you, ‘Hey, I need to be by myself tonight,’ can make them feel hurt, rejected, or like the relationship is about to end, when actually it doesn’t mean any of those things!

Establishing boundaries, and communicating clearly, will help everyone understand exactly where they are, while also giving you both some healthy alone time to relax and do your own thing. 

Spending some time apart makes the time you do spend together all the more special.

Read more about how to have a good first date, or find out 7 ways to get more matches on dating apps

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