Cuffing Season is Cancelled - Here’s Why

Every year, when summer ends and the cold season creeps in, so does the term ‘cuffing season’ into our vocabulary. Cuffing season is a period of time when single people begin looking for short-term relationships to see them through the winter months. Just as popular culture encourages singles to have a no-strings-attached summer, cuffing season is the trope that urges singles to meet someone to cosy up with for winter–before dropping them in time for the next season. Sounds a little toxic, doesn’t it?

That’s why, this year, Badoo is taking a stance against Cuffing Culture. We’re championing those who state their intentions up front by adding ‘No Cuffing’ as an Interest and badge to their Badoo profile. Dating authentically - not luring people into a relationship only to dump them come Spring - is a much better use of everyone’s time. With this, we’ve put together the top three signs of a cuffer, so you can avoid them on your dating journey and go after what you really want this Winter.

1. Fake love

    Have you only been chatting to someone for a short period of time, but they’re already loudly declaring their affection for you? Maybe they’re showering you with compliments, gifts, or planning a big trip soon after meeting. You could be experiencing love bombing – a ‘romantic’ tactic used by someone to gain power over the other person. An extravagant display of love like this, especially one that’s exhibited early on, is unlikely to last.

    2. They don’t introduce you to their friends

      If you’ve been dating someone for a while but you’ve yet to meet their friends, this could be a red flag. Of course, getting to know the person you’re dating takes priority over meeting their inner circle, but if you feel comfortable enough to do so and they’re avoiding it – take a step back and assess why. Try having a conversation with them about it. If your date doesn’t want you to meet their mates, it could be a sign that they don’t view the relationship as a long-term thing. 

      3. Future planning (or lack of)

        If your date is reluctant to book things in the future…are they imagining you in it? While talking about marriage or kids early on could be a warning sign (see sign #1) – not planning anything further than a week or two ahead may also be something to note. If you have concerns that someone is trying to cuff you and this doesn’t align with what you want, asking them “where do you see this going?” may be a good idea.

        Ultimately, you deserve the kind of relationship that you want, and you don’t need to get cuffed up just because everyone around you seems to be. Spending time on self-care, with your friends or with your family is just as valid as hanging out with a romantic partner. You can enjoy the Christmas markets and the mulled wine without a +1, so be sure to update your Intentions and date the way you want to this season.

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