Online Dating For Single Parents

When you’re a single parent, dating can be tough. With so many other priorities to worry about, there can be very little time for dating. 

Single parents often want to get back into the dating world, but simply can’t commit to finding new relationships due to balancing their job with the full-time role of looking after their child or children.

To make things worse, many single parents do not have the opportunity to meet new people in social situations without their children present. 

However, these challenges are no reason to give up on dating. If you’re determined to find someone new, it’s entirely possible to find potential matches online, and begin a relationship.

Top Tips For Dating As A Single Parent:

Don’t Limit Yourself To Only Dating Other Single Parents

On the surface, it is sensible to think that your best bet is dating another single parent. After all, who better to understand the challenges you face?

There is definitely very strong logic here - but there is no reason to rule out everybody else altogether. While there is no hiding from the fact that some people will be cautious about the fact you have children already, there are many success stories of romance between parents and those without kids. 

Don’t Settle

When you don’t have a lot of time for dating, it can be easy to consider settle for something which is good, but not quite great. 

It’s understandable that people may feel that way, but don’t let yourself fall into this trap. Despite the fact that you will have less time for dating than others, you shouldn’t make this a reason to date someone you don’t really ‘feel it’ with. When the right person comes along, you’ll know.

Pick The Right Time To Tell Your Children

This is a difficult one, as the right time to break the news will be different for every family.

If you let them know about the new person in your life too early, you could cause confusion or disappointment if it doesn’t work out, especially if the person forms a bond with the children. 

However, you also don’t want to wait too long - if you have begun seriously dating someone and leave it a few months to tell your children, there is the risk of them feeling betrayed or misled. 

It’s a tough conversation to have, and even tougher to know when the right time is. To make things easier - why not ask your child how they would feel about you dating before you start? Their response will give you an insight that could prove invaluable once you do meet a special someone. 

Tell Whoever You’re Dating That Your Kids Come First

Don’t be afraid to make sure who you’re dating knows that your children are your priority. Any reasonable person will understand, and if they don’t, they’re not the type of person you’d want to date anyway. 

If they have kids themselves, they’ll understand. Have to cancel last minute because the babysitter can’t make it? No problem. Unexpected school project taking up your time so you’ll be an hour late to dinner? It happens. These things are part of life when you’re a single parent, and how your dates cope with them is a good indication of whether or not any potential relationship would work out.

If you’re a single parent looking to get back on the dating scene, online dating and dating apps are an excellent way to get started. The benefits are obvious, as you won’t have to leave the house to potentially meet someone new. Rather than paying for a babysitter and making plans to go out with your other friends who are likely to be just as busy, you’ll be able to find eligible people without even leaving the sofa. 

You’ll also be able to clearly indicate in your profile that you have kids, and exactly what it is you’re looking for. That means you won’t match with someone unsuitable or not looking for a serious commitment (if that’s what you want.) 

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now, and get back out there!

Read more about why we should be honest about what we want, or find out how to have a good first date.