How to Refresh Your Badoo Profile To Make More Matches

Written by Nick Levine

With spring finally approaching, it’s the perfect time to punch up your profile and raise your chat game. Everything just feels a bit more possible when the sun comes out, doesn’t it? So, here are 10 ways to make sure you’re using Badoo in a smart and targeted way without getting needlessly serious about things. After all, dating is meant to be fun, not a second job.

1. Upload a new profile photo

This is the quickest and easiest way to spruce up your profile... provided you can find a picture you like. Anything too posed and glossy-looking can be offputting unless you actually are an influencer, so keep it natural, relaxed and true to you. If you don’t usually smile in photos, don't force yourself to find one where you're struggling to pull off a big, cheesy grin. And if you only went rock-climbing that one time in 2019, there's no need to put the photo on your profile just because it’s become a dating app cliché. Authenticity is sexy.

2. Update your bio

If you haven't given yours a read in a while, you'll probably be surprised by what you'll find. People change, as do trendy pop culture references, so it pays to make sure yours is bang up-to-date. Any mention of #quarantinelife will just give people the ick in 2023. By thoroughly updating your bio, not only will potential matches know you're using the app in a fully engaged way, but they'll also get a more accurate picture of who you really are.

3. Update your parameters as well

If you're prepared to travel a little further for a date this year, why not widen the search radius? Equally, if the thought of matching with someone a little older or younger than you've dated in the past doesn't bother you, why not give it a try? Of course, the opposite is also true. If the very idea of an LDR fills you with dread, matching with someone 150 miles away is a big waste of time. However cute they are.

4. Be more real about what you like and what you're looking for

If you're a proper homebody who prefers crafting to partying, there's no point pretending you're in the club every Friday night. But, if you have a particularly quirky hobby, it could pay to slip it into your profile. Even if you don't find someone with the same niche interest, it's bound to become a talking point, especially when you first match. Plus, there are few things more attractive than someone who's really passionate about something and enjoys sharing that deep-rooted enthusiasm with others.

5. Get a second opinion from a friend

Seriously, even the best writers need an editor, and there's a decent chance you'll have forgotten a cute or illuminating detail about yourself. Just make sure you pick the right pal to give your profile a once over. You want someone who knows you pretty well and is capable of giving honest feedback without being abrasive. As a general rule, this person probably isn’t a family member, and almost definitely isn’t one of your parents.

6. Ask more questions

Obviously, you don't need to grill each match like it's a job interview – that could be a bit intense. But as a general rule, asking open-ended and inoffensive questions is a great way to get to know someone and keep the conversation flowing. What's your favourite holiday destination? What did you do last weekend? Which show are you binge-watching right now? This approach, inquisitive without being too nosey, comes with an added bonus: if your match never throws any questions back at you, it's kind of a red flag.

7. Give up ghosting for good

Come on, there's absolutely no excuse for this cowardly bad habit in 2023. It won't make your match feel good, it won't make you feel good, and it just leads to bad vibes spreading on the app. It may feel a bit painful in the moment, but it really is kinder to send someone a clear but kind message that things aren’t going anywhere. I’d suggest something along the lines of: "I'm not sure we have much potential as a couple, but best of luck finding what you're looking for." See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?

8. Steer clear of no-go areas

Honestly, communicating on dating apps is such a balancing act. Bland chat probably won't reveal that all-important spark, but at the same time, you don't want to end up arguing with someone. For this reason, it's best to avoid politics or anything to do with money until you have a decent feel for what the other person is really about. But, the worst faux pas of all has got to be complaining about an ex. It’s too self-absorbed, thoroughly unproductive, and won't reassure your match that you're actually ready to welcome someone new into your life.

9. Be a little more ruthless

This doesn't mean being cruel – definitely not. But if you're really not feeling the person you're chatting to, there's no gain in keeping the conversation going for the sake of it. At a certain point, you have to ask yourself the vital question: "Do I think I want to meet this person in real life?" If the answer is no, it's time to let them down gently and move on to the next.

10. And finally, don't stress about it

If you're not in the mood for app chat because you've had a hellish day at work or your flatmate has really tested your patience, put down your phone. You have a much better chance of showing your best and most authentic self when you're happy, relaxed and not wondering who splashed pasta sauce up the kitchen units. Seriously, there is always tomorrow.