How To Build Your Badoo Profile – Without the Cringe Factor

How To Build Your Badoo Profile – Without the Cringe Factor

Words by Nick Levine

Whether you're a Badoo newbie or a relatively experienced dater, it's easy to forget that your profile is essentially your shop window. A well-crafted profile will encourage more matches and lead to genuine connections that are full of belly laughs rather than boring small talk. With this in mind, here's an eight-step guide to levelling up your profile in time for summer. Putting in a bit of extra time and effort now could really pay off in the long run, so don’t be afraid of getting into editing mode.

1. Be as honest as you possibly can

It might sound a little bit corny, but Badoo is an app where authentic profiles lead to genuine connections. There's obviously no harm in presenting yourself in the best possible light, but stop short of boasting or bragging, which can be offputting to potential matches. If you have a guilty pleasure or unusual favourite food, consider sharing it on your profile because it’s likely to be a great conversation starter. It will also show potential matches that you don't take yourself too seriously. "Just be yourself" should be your guiding principle here – it’s really that simple.

2. Keep it pretty lighthearted

You don't need to include a knock-knock joke – no, seriously, please don't do that. But injecting a hint of humour into your profile is never a bad thing. Starting a chat on Badoo can feel daunting to some users, even if they've been dating for a while, so it really pays to show how friendly and unpretentious you are. On the flip side, anything that makes you look aloof or unapproachable is a big no-no.

3. Consider getting a friend to help

No one knows you better – or wants you to shine brighter – than your best friend. If you're lost for words or worried your profile is slipping into cringe territory, it's probably time to ask for a second opinion. This doesn't mean you have to follow every single suggestion, but a fresh pair of eyes can definitely make a profile more well-rounded. Asking a family member for help isn't necessarily a misstep; just keep in mind that your mum's idea of a perfect partner might not be quite the same as yours.

4. Fill out your profile in full

This isn't just a matter of "using all the available space' like in an exam, but a savvy move tactically – research has shown that completed profiles tend to attract more matches. If you think about it, this is just common sense, really. By putting a bit of effort in your Badoo profile, you're showing potential matches that you're not just swiping to pass the time. And by revealing extra information about yourself, you're giving people even more weird and wonderful details to connect with. There's no point in waffling or padding out your profile for the sake of it, but if you have more to say, why not say it?

5. Steer clear of dating app clichés

If you're convinced that pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, you're probably right, but there's no need to put it on your Badoo profile. You're working with a finite amount of space and this not exactly unpopular opinion won't make you stand out. There's no need to be deliberately provocative or outrageous, which can come off as try-hard and even offensive to some users. But if you have quirky taste in music or an offbeat hobby, it could be just the thing to pique a potential match’s interest.

6. Treat your profile as a work-in-progress

Don't worry if your Badoo profile doesn't quite feel right; you can always come back later and give it a punch-up – everyone has creative days and, well, days, where our brain feels about as dynamic as a bowl of porridge. Equally, if you haven't looked at your own profile in a while, you might be surprised by how out-of-date it now feels. You've probably changed more than you think in the last six months and ideally, your Badoo profile should reflect this. Giving it an update doesn't have to be a big job; just chip away as and when you can manage it.

7. Try adding a new profile photo

When it comes to photos, keep them clear, recent, and not too posey. A big, genuine smile is always an asset, whereas anything contrived can be a bit cringe. Profile photo clichés to avoid include the rock climbing photo (we've all seen it before), the graduation photo (save it for your grandparents' sideboard) and the holiday photo where you're pretending to prop up the Leaning Tower of Pisa (it's very #dadbanter). If you keep it cool and as natural as possible, you’ll have few regrets.

8. And finally, try to enjoy it

If filling out your Badoo profile begins to feel like a chore, this will almost certainly come across in what you write. There's a fine line between being clever and intentional about what you say and overthinking things a bit. For this reason, it's best to save a profile update for a day when you don't have too many work or social commitments. The more happy and relaxed you feel, the more your profile will reflect you in all your effervescent glory. And if you really want to include a rock climbing photo, go ahead, just consider making a self-deprecating joke about it.