6 Ideas For More Interesting Dates

When you’re starting something with someone new, it can feel like there’s a lot hinging on the first date. Everyone has been on a boring first date, and making the effort to plan something special can really help you stand out amid dozens of offers of coffee or drinks. 

Not only can you pick something that’ll make you look good, but you can impress them with how creative you are.

If you’ve already got a partner, you should still be trying to surprise them with new experiences, so we’ve put together some weird and wonderful date ideas.

Ideas For Exciting Dates:

1. Go Food Tasting

This one is an obvious win, because everyone likes food. And this food is fancy. Yes, please, we’ll take two of everything.

The food will also give you something to talk about if the conversation falls flat. Trying something new with someone new will also improve your chances of romance - when we try something exciting for the first time with someone, we’re more likely to bond with them. 

2. Have A Photo Competition

This idea might be a bit more off the wall, but if nothing else, it’ll make your Insta feed look great.

Go somewhere completely new, where neither of you has ever been before, and challenge to date to a friendly contest: whoever has the best photo at the end of the day wins.

Done right, this should provide ample opportunity for flirting, playful banter, and general hijinks. It could also be a great way to show off your creative side - after all, who isn’t an amateur photographer these days? It’ll definitely be memorable, and you’ll have some wonderful photos of your date!

3. Go Bouldering

Bouldering is like rock climbing, but without ropes. That sounds dangerous, but bouldering typically takes place about four or five metres off the ground. It has all the fun of climbing, but without that nagging worry of ‘what if the rope snaps and I plummet to my death?’. Thoughts like that can really get in the way of flirting. For those of you afraid of heights: this is the sport for you.

Getting active will stir up all those happy chemicals in your brain, which will make you guys more likely to get on. And you also won’t have to worry about awkward lulls in the conversation if you’ve got something to distract you, like how you’re going to climb this thing. It’s a win-win.

4. Compete For The Worst Outfit

If you’ve ever been to a charity shop or outlet store you’ll know how much fun it can be to rifle through and find some crazy clothes. You can find some absolute bargains there - as well as a few things that are just truly awful.

This idea is especially great for someone you’ve known a little bit beforehand - maybe a third date, or for someone you knew before you got together. Simply pick your shop, set your timeframe and compete to see who can find the most bizarre outfit. Laughs are guaranteed.

5. Cook Together

Cooking can be fun. Cooking together can be even better.

While it can definitely be enjoyable to show off your skills and cook something you know you’re good at for a new date, sharing a new experience can be far more inclusive. 

You’ll feel less stressed, and won’t have to turn around and say “I know I said you didn’t need to do anything, but I’ve got four pans on the go and could you please stop watching me quite so intently?” - which can only be a good thing.

Whether it’s fajitas or sushi or pizza, whatever you make will hopefully be delicious, or at the very least you’ll have had fun making it. If you’ve messed it up horribly you can just order a takeaway.

6. Attend A Slam Poetry Night

Slam poetry is growing in popularity, and can be a great night out doing something completely different. It’s not for everyone, but if you want to show off your woke intellectual side, it could definitely be something worth considering.

Pick a performance that sounds interesting and see what happens. If you’re really unsure about what to go for you can research the performers online and see what their material is like. 

Best case? They think you’re a deep, thoughtful and emotionally-conscious human being and decide you’re The One.

Worst case scenario: it sucks and you can both have a good laugh about it in the bar afterwards. 

Whatever you end up choosing, the point in dating is to have fun. A good date is one that both parties enjoy, and allows them to learn more about each other and grow closer. Everything else (fancy food, photos, or new clothes) is just icing on the cake.

As long as everyone is comfortable, and happy, and having a good time, that’s a good date.

Read more about how to have a good first date, or read our 5 tips for online dating