Dating Tips
How To Create The Perfect Bio For A Dating App

If you’ve never set up an account on a dating app before, it can be confusing to know where to start. 

A dating profile needs pictures, preferences, and a bio. The bio is often the thing people spend the least amount of time on, if they even spend time on it at all. But it can make a big difference on how much success you have.

Filling in your bio is a good way to let people know more about you, and will increase your chances of getting a date. But what should you include?

What Makes A Good Bio On A Dating App:

Be Honest About Who You Are And What You’re Looking For

First things first, your bio should have a brief bit of information about you, and what you’re hoping to find.

The most successful bios on dating app are the most honest. 

They let the other person know exactly what you’re looking for, and why. This gives them a clear picture of who you are, and whether you’re compatible with each other. 

This saves everyone time in the long-run by ensuring nobody is wasting their time.

Share What You’re Interested In

If you leave your bio blank, you’re not telling anyone anything about you. 

The more information you give them, the more they’ll be able to tell if the two of you have anything in common. This means they don’t have to do any guesswork, and gives them something to mention as soon as the two of you start talking. 

Think about what’s important to you. Does your ideal partner have to support the same football team? Do they have to go to the gym five times a week? Do they have to be a good dancer?

Everyone has different things they value, and different things they look for in a relationship. Stating these in your bio can help other people understand what a relationship with you might look like, and if that’s something they might be interested in. 

Be Different

There are lots of people on dating apps now. You need to stand out. 

Having something interesting in your bio can help you catch the attention of potential matches. 

For some reason there are thousands of profiles that talk about how they ‘love to see friends, spend time with family, and travel’ - revealing absolutely nothing of interest or substance, these kinds of bios don’t work. 

They don’t tell anyone anything special, and they won’t help you.

You should include something that will make people stop and look at your profile - this will immediately make it more likely that they start talking to you, if only to ask questions about your bio.

Including a joke or a story from your life can help set you apart from other people. 

You want to interrupt people from just passively swiping on autopilot, you want to make them stop and read your profile again. This makes you interesting, which makes you attractive. 

Setting up a bio on a dating app doesn’t have to be difficult, and it will give you a much greater chance of success in the long run. 

Learn some of the best ice breakers to use on dating apps

Learn how to get more matches on dating apps.

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