Dating Tips
How To Show The Real You On Badoo

Since the legendary MTV series of the same name came onto our screens, the word ‘catfish’ has taken on a new meaning. Strange-looking fish aside, the term describes online daters who use fake profiles and photos to match with other people. There are so many reasons why people might catfish others (like loneliness, boredom, and low self-esteem), but ultimately, catfishing is a breach of trust and totally unacceptable.

Though catfishing generally refers to someone pretending to be a different person altogether, a milder (but equally frustrating) form is when people deliberately use outdated pictures on their profile or lie about their job or where they live. Putting yourself out there takes guts, and being lied to by someone you're investing time in is not fun. And it’s definitely not the way to start a relationship.

Catfishing highlights the importance of honesty in all areas of dating. Matching, chatting, and connecting with someone only to find out that they’re not who they said they were is every dater’s worst nightmare. Being truthful about your appearance, age, interests, and intentions avoids awkward situations later down the dating line. It ensures everyone’s on the same page and gives both parties the best chance of finding a great connection. So, how can we combat catfish culture?

Be your fabulous, honest self

Honesty is so important when dating, for you and the people you connect with. Being your real, authentic self (warts and all) might sound radical – but it helps build trust and a really good foundation for something amazing to develop. Online dating should be a positive experience, and being honest about your likes, dislikes, dealbreakers, and non-negotiables helps filter out people who don’t align with your values – leaving room for the fabulous humans who do. Kiss goodbye to the overly-filtered photos, shout about your genuine interests (no matter how niche), and don’t be afraid to state exactly what you’re looking for on your profile.

Keep it real (even when it’s messy)

You don’t have to spill your most embarrassing memory the moment you match with someone, but don’t be afraid to show the real you! You want the person you date to enjoy the good times with you and support you through the bad, so being honest about all parts of your life (even the messy ones) is important.

After the initial flirting stage with a new match, why not try chatting about a challenging situation in your day-to-day life? Maybe your kids are driving you mad or you’re stressed about a big assignment due at work. Whatever the sitch, try opening up about something deeper than what TV show you’re into right now. How the conversation goes is a great indicator of whether or not you and your match are on the same wavelength. If they don’t take the time to talk it out with you or dismiss your concerns, you can politely let them know you’re on different paths and keep it moving.

You deserve to date someone who thinks you’re amazing – and you shouldn’t have to bend the truth to make anyone realise your worth.

Verify your profile

The infamous ‘blue tick’ is usually reserved for celebrities on social media, but on Badoo everyone can have one! Instead of being about status, Badoo’s blue tick is all about safety and honesty. It shows other users that you are who you say you are, and in an era of catfishing – it’s super important. When you verify your profile, you’re re-assuring your matches that you’re the person in your pictures (and that they’ll be able to spot you out in the wild when you eventually lock in that date). Verifying your Badoo profile is super simple, it just takes a few quick steps:

  1. Open up the Badoo app
  2. Click on the ‘edit profile’ button
  3. Tap ‘verify by photo’
  4. Match the pose demonstrated and snap a pic!

Once your profile is verified, you’ll have a blue tick on your profile which shows others that you’re the real deal. You can also use filters on Badoo to only view verified profiles – keeping you safe from catfish.

Set up a call - ASAP

If you’re not able to meet your match in person, or you don’t feel comfortable doing so just yet, organising a video date is a great way to put any catfishing concerns to bed. Why not give your match a call and have a catch-up over a coffee? Not only does a video call make sure they’re the person in their profile (and vice versa), it’s a simple way to assess whether there’s a spark between you. A few awkward silences are expected and totally normal, but if you’re both able to keep the conversation flowing, it’s a good sign.

Ultimately, being yourself while online dating can only lead to great things. The purpose of using Badoo is to find connections that enrich your life, and whether you end up making a friend or meeting a partner – your match should appreciate the real you. You're a catch, after all.

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