Dating Tips
How To Ask Your Crush Out On A Date

Having a crush on someone is one of the best feelings there is. It’s exciting, they’re all you can think about, and you can’t wait to spend time with them. 

Asking them on a date doesn’t seem that difficult when you think about it, it's just suggesting doing something you both like, together. And since it’s something you desperately want to do, you should do it right now, right?

But of course, actually asking them out can be really hard. It’s nerve-wracking, especially if you’ve built up the pressure in your mind.

It’s worth keeping in mind that the worst thing that can happen is they say no. If they say yes, it could be the start of something wonderful, so make the first move and ask them out!

How To Ask Someone Out On A Date:

Be Direct

When asking someone out, you should be direct. If you want something, you have to go for it. Playing games or waiting for them to ask might lead to disappointment, so you should broach the topic early on. 

Playing it cool is overrated. People want to know where things stand, especially when feelings are involved. 

If you like them, if you want to date them, you should tell them that, and lay out exactly what you want. 

This, of course, requires a lot of confidence. 

Be Confident

When asking someone out, it’s important to be confident. It tells the other person that you know what you want, and that you consider yourself worth dating.

Confidence is attractive. It shows you have a healthy level of self-respect, and that you value your time and your energy. Almost universally, people respond well to this. 

If you’re insecure, there are ways to build your confidence. Consider all the reasons you’d be a great person to date. If you’re really insecure and can’t think of any, a friend will be only too happy to help you - because there will be plenty of reasons your crush would be lucky to date you! 

Keep these in mind to build your confidence.

What’s more, unless you’re asking to date them completely out of the blue, your crush will probably have some idea that you’re interested in them, and will more than likely also be interested in you. You’ll have built up a rapport, they will enjoy your company, and should be relaxed and comfortable around you. 

This should also help build your confidence, understanding that you and this person already share a bond.

However, when it comes to asking someone out, confidence isn’t enough. You also need to pick the right time to ask. 

Choose Your Time Wisely

It’s important to pick the right time to ask someone out. Remember, they have their own life, their own priorities, their own things going on. It’s important to keep this in mind, you don’t want to ask them out during a difficult period, or when they can’t give you their full attention. 

There will be certain moments where it feels like you should ask - don’t ignore them. Trust your instincts. 

If you have a shared interest, or an event you both want to go to, suggest going. If neither of you are doing anything on Friday, say the two of you should do something, together. 

If you really like someone, you’ll probably always be nervous before asking them out on a date. But you shouldn’t let nerves get the better of you. 

Be confident, don’t wait for them to make the first move, and ask them. 

Learn how to have a good first date, or read about what to talk about on a first date

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