Dating Tips
Date Ideas For Couples During Quarantine

With much of the world now confined to their homes, people are finding creative ways to combat loneliness during isolation

Single people are now having to find ways to have dates while staying safe at home.

It’s not surprising that people are still interested in meeting others: connection with others is a human need.

Even if we can’t actually meet them in person, we still want that connection, that spark, that understanding with another person. 

It's not just single people that are having to change their habits, couples are now having dates indoors.

Before the outbreak, many of us were stuck in the same old routines for dates: going to a bar, maybe getting dinner. 

Now we’re forced to think of something new.

Thanks to video chat, people are finding ways to make those connections even if they can’t meet for weeks. 

Because we won’t be able to meet our new matches for a while, people are taking the time to get to know each other better, having deeper conversations, and building genuine connections that you don’t always get through dating apps.

Whether you and your partner are staying in together, or you’re a single person looking for someone special from the comfort of home, there are plenty of ways you can keep some normalcy in your life, and keep romance alive at the same time. 

Date Ideas For Couples During Quarantine:

Watch Netflix Together

Watching movies together is one of the classic date nights for a reason.

Besides being a great way to relax and forget about everything else that’s going on, watching someone’s favourite movie with them can be an incredibly intimate experience.

Netflix party lets you watch movies together no matter where you are: each of you can make a list of your favourite movies to watch together, or create a list of movies you’ve both been meaning to see. 

This gives you something to do while isolating, and will help you understand more about the other person. Do they love horror movies? Comedies?

Once you’ve watched the movies, talk about them. What did you love? What did you hate? Why?

Cook Or Have Dinner Together

A lot of people are learning to cook right now. 

Others are getting creative with the food they have, trying to cobble meals together with ingredients they’d never normally use.

If you’re apart, find a recipe you can both cook, and cook together. With video chat you can keep a conversation going while you cook, or give each other tips if one of you is struggling. 

If cooking isn’t your thing, the two of you can still have a video chat while you eat, meaning you don’t have to miss out on having dinner together. 

If you’re together, take turns cooking new recipes, or help each other with the preparation. 

Play Games

Games have always been a good way to pass the time. Whether you’re more into video games or ruining your relationship by getting way too competitive at Scrabble, there are online versions of pretty much any game you can think of that two people can play if you’re in different places. 

Some video games are cooperative, The Sims or Animal Crossing let you work together to build towns.

All games should be about having fun together, so remember not to get too competitive. 

Have Deeper Conversations Than Normal

An interesting side effect of everyone being in isolation is that some people are sending longer, more thoughtful messages on dating apps.

If you’ve matched with someone you’re interested in, take the time to really get to know them, ask them questions about their childhood, their job, their plans for the future. 

If you’re living with someone, consider things about them you don’t know: what show they watch or food they eat when they want to relax, what their dream holiday is, 

Find out how they feel about and navigate relationships, finding out their love language can help the two of you grow closer together and take better care of each other in the coming weeks.

Read To Each Other

Now that people are having more video chats and phone calls, some couples are taking it in turns to read to each other at night before bed. 

This can be relaxing, build intimacy, and maintain that romantic connection. 

Plus, the two of you get to enjoy some escapism every night. 

Make A Pillow Fort

All of us are getting sick of staying in our homes. But changing how that space is organised, or how you relate to it can have a big impact on how you feel about it. 

Whether the two of you are together or far apart, you can build a pillow fort out of whatever furniture and blankets you have. 

While this might sound silly, it can be a fun distraction to build something for an hour or two, and exercising control over your surroundings can help you feel more in control of your situation.

Plan For The Future

It’s important to remember this won’t last forever. 

Make a list of dates you’d like to go on when you’re able to go back outside: a fancy dinner, to the theatre, swimming, a holiday, whatever you’d like. 

Planning trips and dates for the future gives us something to look forward to, and reminds us that things will get better. 

As we all adapt to staying inside, having dates indoors will become part of our lives as well. 

These dates can be as meaningful as dates outside, and will help us maintain those connections which are now more important than ever.

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