Why You Should Start Dating Again This Year

Dating can be hard. You have to figure out what you want, and then find someone who can give you that. 

This is often a long process. It’s not surprising that some people simply give up after a few bad dates. If in the past you’re found yourself sick of dating [LINK], starting fresh in 2020 might be the time to try again. 

Opening yourself up to dating after a rough patch can be scary, but it’s the only way you’ll get what you really want. Everyone has different reasons for taking some time away from dating, and different reasons for getting back into it. 

Maybe you’re trying to move on after a break-up, maybe you want to see what’s out there, or maybe you’re looking for a serious relationship. Whatever it is you’re looking for, you deserve it, and you can find it this year if you try. 

Reasons To Start Dating Again In 2020:

You Know More About Yourself And What You Want

If you’ve taken some time away from dating, you should have a clearer picture of what you want when you do decide to try again. Reflecting on you, who you are, and what’s important to you can be massively helpful in setting out your expectations for future relationships. 

You can’t date someone just because you’re lonely. You need to be happy with who you are, on your own. You don’t need to be completed.

Once you’re ready to start dating again, you’re armed with more knowledge of how you want things to be this time. Knowing this can save you time and energy when it comes to meeting potential partners, especially if you can tell that someone doesn’t fit your criteria. 

You Know More About What You DON’T Want

Once you’ve been dating for a while, you begin to understand what doesn’t work for you.

If you’re an active person, you might need your partner to be one too. Knowing that you couldn't date someone who wouldn't join you in the gym can save you time in the long-run. 

It’s worth noting that this kind of knowledge only comes from saying yes to dating new people, having new experiences, and then reflecting on whether they were right for you.

You Can Experiment With New Types Of Relationships

Speaking of new experiences, maybe 2020 is the year for you to try some new things. 

We often get stuck in patterns when it comes to relationships. We struggle to change what a ‘relationship’ means to us, especially as we’ve built up a rigid idea of them over the years. 

If you’ve found yourself struggling with relationships in the past, maybe the way you’ve been conditioned to think about them needs to change. As long as it makes you happy and works for everyone involved, you can try whatever kind of relationship you want. 

You’ve Learned From Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes when it comes to relationships. 

If you have made mistakes in the past, the important thing is that you learn from them, and correct any behaviours that contributed to you or your partner’s suffering.

Once you’ve learned from your mistakes, you’ll be in a much better place to start dating. This is one of the best ways to help your next relationship be a success. 

You’re Finally Over Your Ex

This is one of the biggest hurdles that stops people from dating: still being hung up on their ex. 

This isn’t a bad thing, it’s normal and healthy to be sad after a breakup: it means the relationship was important to you. 

It goes without saying that you should have processed and understood your feelings before dating anyone new. But when you have taken the time to really get over them, you should jump back into the dating world, and experience everything it has to offer. 

All your past relationships have something you can learn from. Each new experience should teach you more about yourself and what you want. 

This is why you should start dating again this year, and find whatever it is you’re looking for. 

Read our top tips for using dating apps, or find out what lessons you should learn from your past relationships.