Why You Should Send The First Message On Dating Apps

You’ve downloaded a dating app, set up a profile, filled in your bio, and started matching with other people. 

Now what?

You have to send the first message.

There’s nothing worse than two people who have matched, both waiting for the other to start the conversation. 

If you break that silence, if you make a connection, it could be the start of something amazing. 

First impressions are always important, even more so when it comes to dating. 

Sending the first message immediately sends a strong signal that you’re interested. 

Your message should be unique, personal to them, and interesting

Don’t overthink it, dating is supposed to be fun! 

If you still need convincing, here’s why you should send the first message.

Why You Should Always Send The First Message On Dating Apps:

It Shows You’re Confident

Sending the first message requires confidence. You may know next to nothing about the person you’re speaking to, you just have to trust that what you’re saying is funny, smart, interesting, or at least worth a reply. 

You sending the first message lets them know you’re interested, that you’re confident, and that you want to make things happen. 

Confidence is one of the best characteristics you can show on a dating app. It’s universally attractive, and can help you move things from a conversation to an actual date

This confidence will also help set you apart from other people on the app. 

It Sets You Apart From Silent Matches

For some reason, people will match on dating apps, but not send messages, defeating the entire purpose of being on the app in the first place. 

If you do this, you’re missing out on opportunities to meet new people.

So send the first message, and be one of the people who make using dating apps such an exciting experience.

This will immediately set you apart from those yet to send a message, and will get the ball rolling towards the two of you meeting up and going on a date.

It Allows You To Start The Conversation On Your Terms

If you send the first message, you can set the initial tone of the conversation. 

This can be helpful in letting this person know more about you, as well as finding out more about them based on how they respond. 

Do you want your conversation to be lighthearted and funny? Or do you want to talk about why you’re on the app and what you’re looking for? 

Sending the first message will allow you a degree of control over what you talk about, at least at first. 

If you send the first message, it could be the first step towards something blossoming between the two of you. 

Read more about how to start a conversation on a dating app.

Or read our tips for online dating.