What Is Duty Dating And Should You Try It?

Dating should be fun, a personal journey where you meet new people, find out more about yourself, and have some truly memorable experiences. 

‘Duty dating’ will guarantee all this and more. But what is it?

What Is Duty Dating?

Duty dating is a new trend where people will say yes to absolutely anyone who asks them out. The idea has been around for a while, but some people swear by it.

This might sound like a strange way of trying to find someone special, but there is some evidence it’s a worthwhile approach to dating. 

Why Duty Dating Might Work For You:

You’ll Go On More Dates

If you haven’t had much luck on dates, duty dating will change that pretty quickly. 

Dating apps can help you meet lots of people who want to date you, and duty dating ensures you’ll go on a date with every single person who asks. 

This means you’ll have more experiences, and you’ll start to understand what’s really important for you in a potential partner. 

Duty dating is not about settling or lowering your standards, it’s about meeting people.

By getting to know more people, you’ll know more about yourself and what you want. It will also show you how there’s more to dating than just the initial attraction. 

Most dating apps are all about the pictures, but Badoo allows you to add your interests, so people will know you’re more than just a picture. 

It Can Help You Get Over A Breakup

While you shouldn’t rush into dating before you get over your last relationship, committing to duty dating will 100% get you back out there meeting new people. 

Dating new people is one of the easiest ways to move on, and duty dating will show you that there really are plenty more fish in the sea. 

Read more about how to get over a breakup.

It Will Stop You Getting Nervous

Duty dating will also help you get over those first date nerves we all get from time to time. After a while, you’ll have been on so many first dates that they just won’t phase you anymore. 

It will also boost your confidence: after all, look at all these people who want to date you!

It Will Make Dating Exciting

One of the best reasons to try duty dating is that you’ll suddenly be forced to go on more exciting dates. After going for drinks or getting coffee five times in a row, you’ll want to mix things up a bit. 

Going on lots of dates should be interesting and fun, not a chore, so think of creative ways to go on better dates

It Will Introduce You To Different Types Of People

Duty dating will stop you from rushing into a relationship too quickly, by introducing you to lots of different people. 

If you always go for a certain type, duty dating will help you to branch out and try new things. You can see what’s really out there, rather than just going from the same kinds of people you always date.

When we only date one person at a time, we can sometimes start to obsess over them, reading into things, making plans for the future, and generally taking things too far too fast.

Duty dating helps to slow things down and stay casual, which is a good thing to be at the start of a new relationship. 

Don’t worry about where things are going, just enjoy dating. If things aren’t working, you don’t have to continue seeing them, just be honest and end things. 

Duty dating isn’t for everyone, but it’s definitely worth trying, if only for a little while. It will help you understand more about what you want from dating, raise your confidence, and give you some good dating stories

Read more about why you should start dating again this year.

Learn what dating means in 2020.